Mixed Precision Algebraic Multigrid on GPUs

TitleMixed Precision Algebraic Multigrid on GPUs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsTsai, Y-H. Mike, N. Beams, and H. Anzt
EditorWyrzykowski, R., J. Dongarra, E. Deelman, and K. Karczewski
Conference Name Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2022)
Date Published2023-04
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Conference LocationCham
ISBN Number978-3-031-30441-5
KeywordsAlgebraic multigrid, GPUs, mixed precision, Portability

In this paper, we present the first GPU-native platform-portable algebraic multigrid (AMG) implementation that allows the user to use different precision formats for the distinct multigrid levels. The AMG we present uses an aggregation size 2 parallel graph match as the AMG coarsening strategy. The implementation provides a high level of flexibility in terms of configuring the bottom-level solver and the precision format for the distinct levels. We present convergence and performance results on the GPUs from AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA, and compare against corresponding functionality available in other libraries.

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