FTLA release

FTLA is an extension to ScaLAPACK that tolerates and recovers from failures. The interface is generally similar to Scalapack, but a number of new operations are added.

FTLA supports the following operations (in all sdcz precisions):
* QR factorization (protection against fail-stop failures, failure of at most 1 proc at a time, both Q and R factors protected)
* LU factorization (protection against fail-stop failures, failure of at most 1 proc at a time, both L and U factors protected)

The current version of FTLA has different modes of operations, depending on the level of support your local MPI implementation features. As of today, most MPI implementations do not support fault tolerance and recovery by default. Deploying fully fault tolerant FTLA will require that you install special versions of BLACS and/or MPI (please refer to ULFM MPI). For testing purposes, the DEMO MODE of FTLA permits deploying FTLA applications, assessing their performance, correctness and numerical accuracy using only system pre-installed standard Scalapack and MPI distribution (but only injected failures can be tolerated without installing a fault tolerant MPI).

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