Online Documentation: Developer Documentation
Developer Documentation

Documentation for the ReST java API is available at /rest/javadoc/.

ReST Packager Documentation

Developers interested in using ReST with their applications can learn about creating a ReST package using the ReST Software Packager. This document describes how to use the gui to create valid ReST Software Packages and is available online in the following forms: [HTML Single Page], [HTML Multiple Pages], [PDF], [PS].

Package Maker's Guide

Developers interested in using ReST with their applications can learn about creating a ReST package from our Package Maker's Guide. This document is available online in the following forms: [HTML Single Page], [HTML Multiple Pages], [PDF], [PS].

ReST Architecture Diagram

The image below shows the structure of the ReST architecture and how the pieces interact with eachother. I should say more here, but I'm not sure what to say.

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